AMRAPs: DB and Ergs

This workout has 3 x 12 minute AMRAPs that encourage you to work up to your max heart rate.You’ll only need 2 pieces of equipment throughout the whole session. A set of Dumbells, and an erg of some form - we recommend either a Ski-erg and a C2 bike erg.

December 4, 2023
Three girls on our Bali fitness retreat doing alternating dumbbell hang snatches

Spice level: 🌶️🌶️🌶️


This workout has 3 x 12 minute AMRAPs that encourage you to work up to your max heart rate.

You’ll only need 2 pieces of equipment throughout the whole session. A set of Dumbells, and an erg of some form (we recommend either a Ski-erg and a C2 bike erg).

In an AMRAP you will work through all the exercises to complete as many rounds as possible in the alloted time.

Rest Between Blocks: Take a 1-2 minute rest between each block.

Total Workout Time: 36 Minutes (excluding breaks)

Part 1

Workout: 12 minute AMRAP


10 DB thrusters

10 DB walking lunges

10 push ups

10 cal erg


Start a timer. Immediately start work on the thrusters. As soon as you complete 10 DB thrusters you begin on the DB walking lunges. Complete these as fast as possible before moving on to the push up and then the erg. Once you complete a full round, immediately start working through from the top. Continue until the timer hits 12 minutes.

Setup Note: Ensure dumbbells are positioned close to the erg for smooth, efficient transitions.

Part 2

Workout: 12 minute AMRAP


12 butterfly sit ups

12 air squats

12 plyometric (jump) lunges

12 burpees


Perform as many rounds as possible of the 4 exercises in 12 minutes.

Setup Note: Make sure you setup your matt near the erg for smooth, efficient transitions.

Part 3

Workout: 12 minute AMRAP


10 DB hang clean and press

10 DB hang snatch

10 DB single arm devils press

250m ski (or 500m bike erg)


Perform as many rounds as possible of the 4 exercises in 12 minutes.

Setup Note: Make sure you setup your DB’s near the erg for smooth, efficient transitions.


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