J: We know people who had been on Salt Escapes before and had heard great things, so we were excited to experience something like this together.
A: We've always loved adventuring together and exploring the world, and this was something completely different and unique that we were really excited to do together. And as a fitness holiday too, we’ve always loved working out as a couple even though sometimes we want to kill each other!
A: It was a really lovely thing to experience as a couple, I guess going solo can feel a bit daunting. But also I think going as a couple can be a bit daunting as well. You don't want to feel like you’re too cliquey, but everyone was so lovely and it immediately felt like a family.
What was it like working out together on Salt Escapes?
J: We especially loved two things about the workouts. First was being partnered up together, because that was fun. And we’re highly competitive, we really liked being able to be competitive with each other. It made us push ourselves and just getting that feeling afterwards that you’d really achieved something together was great.
A: But then we also really liked the fact that the trainers would separate us out and put us with other people on the trip. It’s good to have that time apart as well to to go off and meet other people and train with them during the workouts.
A: Even things like the mealtimes - we came thinking we would sit together the whole time, but immediately we were just part of the whole group and loved being with everyone. The meals have a really inclusive, welcoming feel so some nights we’d be together, some we’d be opposite ends of the tables talking to our new friends. The great thing about our group size was it was like one big family and everyone felt so relaxed around each other.
Do you think it changed your experience of Salt Escapes coming as a couple?
J: For me personally I'm definitely less brave with things like this, in terms of travelling alone, and I would struggle to go to something like this by myself because I will be so concerned that I’m not going to find like-minded people. So it really helped me going as a couple because it made me feel more comfortable.
A: Yeah, it definitely did. And I think it would for anyone if you're going with someone else, a friend or a partner, it will change the experience of the week because you have that comfort blanket that you can rely on. But having now been on Salt Escapes with everyone else there being a solo traveller, I can see that everyone was actively trying to make each other feel part of the group, so I don't think we relied on each other so much as I thought we would.
Did you make friends from your week with Salt Escapes?
J: We made some great friends from our Salt Escapes week. We are going to meet them tomorrow actually, Hannah and Rosie, who we've seen pretty much every month since we came back from the trip over a year ago now. We're all in London so we get to see them regularly.
A: And then apart from that, everyone still follows and supports each other on Instagram. Especially with everyone’s individual workout journeys, because people were inspired from that trip in different ways. One of the guys from our trip then trained as a PT and now is a coach at a gym where he lives.
What would you say was your favourite part of your week with Salt Escapes?
A: My favourite day of the week was Boat Day, it was just amazing. We were in the sea practically the whole day - this guy right here doesn't really like swimming in the sea but literally could not get him out of the water. We had so much fun and it was so beautiful.
A: The Coaches also keep the workouts really different and exciting, like we pushed a car up to the hill in teams. It completely killed us but it was so much fun, and it’s just like a cool experience that you’ll never forget.
J: I think that the best bit of Salt Escapes, is pushing you to doing things that you didn't think you'd be capable of doing. The adrenaline of working out in such a great place gets you through, and still gets you up the next day to do it again. Like, you want to go to the workout because you want to be around everyone and you want to keep going. The Shipwreck run was very much like that, because I’ve never done much running and was terrified of this idea of going on the run but I absolutely loved every single second of it. Even the though my face wasn't necessarily showing that.